
Big success!

It was a big success! The Archbishop of Canterbury will bring our statement to COP15. Our commitment is going to be known by the world.

2009/09/25 Day 13, the Final Day

Today is the day. Let's make it OUR day.

In the morning,
- Finalize the presentation and statement,
- Make some decisions about the preparation of the REPORT,
- Find your own PC, AC adapter, ID card, card reader, and the bag,
- Return books and DVDs to the owner,
- We must vacate the chapel meeting room before lunch.

In the afternoon,
- 14:00-16:00 International Forum at the Canterbury Hall
- 17:00-18:00 Memorial service by the Archbishop of Canterbury at the Andrew Square
- 18:30-19:00 Presentation to the Archbishop of Canterbury at John's Hall
- 19:30- LET'S PARTY! at the chapel meeting room



2009/09/23 Day 11


- Revise the statement
- Learn the difference between local and global pollution
- Learn about sustainable development
- Include these points and finalize the statements
- Decide who will give the presentation to the Archbishop of Canterbury

Tough and long day.


2009/09/22 Day 10


- What the participants have leared until yesterday.
- Revising Students' Statement draft

Starting today, we are going to have three-day workshop led by Prof Joyashree Roy. It is going to be a big challenge for the students. A lot of brain work. Long and heated discussions.
This is the next level they must conquer. After this, they will be completely different, I believe.


2009/09/21 Day 9

FIELD TRIP: Koya-san (Mt. Koya)
- Saw GARAN and other buildings led by two young foreign researchers.
- Went to the REIHOUKAN museam.
- Lecture on Kukai and his thoughts on nature by Prof. Chisho Namai of Koyasan University.


2009/09/20 Day 8

Field Trip to Matsuoji Temple

- Planted 5 cherry trees in memorial of this program.
- Cut some bamboo trees to experience the maintenance activities.
- Made bamboo fence using the cut bamboo trees.
- Took a walk in the forest.

The forest behind the Matsuoji Temple is maintained by the cooperation among local government officials, volunteering university students and local NPO. The bamboo forest was densely crowded before thinning started by the NPO and volunteers.
Spreading bamboo is a big problem in many places in Japan. It invades neighboring forest and monopolize the area. Proper management by thinning and elimination is necessary to control the expansion, but local government or land owners do not have enough resource to do it. Cooperation with volunteer citizen is one way to promote such management.

At night, Prof. Joyashree Roy has arrived.