
2009/09/23 Day 11


- Revise the statement
- Learn the difference between local and global pollution
- Learn about sustainable development
- Include these points and finalize the statements
- Decide who will give the presentation to the Archbishop of Canterbury

Tough and long day.


  1. i could find a way to my goal even the way might be narrow. we all are working so hard every day. i hope we can finish everything with our desires.

    now is the time to get togather!

  2. We DemAnD!!
    We Ask!!
    We ARE dEtErmiNed!!
    We coMmit!!

    thEse Are Str0ng w0Rds That iF we uSed WeLL anD beiNg hEard bY othErs,Can cAuse GLOBAL CHANGE!!!

  3. I think we can change.because,We can act for the problem.and of course I wanna do something for environment...

    dont think....
    just feel.....

  4. act! this is really important thing.
    even if you know about the environmental issues,(problems)
    if you do nothing about the problems ... that is useless thing!
    Actions speak louder than words!! ^^

  5. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

    ~Universal Declaration of Human Rights~

  6. Francis William Dy ChungSeptember 25, 2009 at 9:28 AM

    wow! coming up a statement took us a long time...whew! at least i was able to sleep...i want to thank my team, for giving me the opportunity to give the presenttion on their behalf.
